We Are All Humans

Dela Denoo
4 min readJul 17, 2021

I was sitting in the backseat of a church bus. We were coming back from a leadership seminar. As I sat at the back, I just began to observe everything. The jovial nature of the people on the bus. From the Church President, right down to the last on the hierarchical list. I was surprised. I always had the notion that Christians didn't joke or have fun times. That's mindset was gradually removed as I went through high school. But here I was in University, looking at Church leaders being all Jovial even after being serious at a leaders seminar. Then I concluded on one note, We Are All Humans.

We are all humans because no matter the amount of seriousness we seek to attain, there is always that part of us that will laugh when someone farts. There is always that part of us that will tell a joke, or try to pester one of our friends happily. The fact that we are all humans makes us prone to mistakes. Even the most anointed man of God sometimes makes mistakes. He doesn't dwell on them, but rather, he learns his lessons and moves on. We are all humans because we have varied experiences and have many stories to tell. I doubt robots tell each other about their interactions with their clients.

The person who had been trying to teach me about how we are all humans was also on the bus at that time. The person had made me see that humans were flawed, weird, had problems, and many other things. But her whole point is, we love each other regardless. She really stressed on the point of no one being perfect, except Jesus of course. Because come to think of it, if we were perfect right now, then what would be the essence of our human nature then. No jokes, no experiences, nothing. Then it meant we would be stagnant people, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually. I am saying this because I have tried to deny my humanity before. Tried to hide what I feel. Tried to attain perfection. And I will tell you this, that wasn't beneficial.

The frailty of our human nature leads us to see the need for a Savior who accepts us and makes us perfect in Him.

God Himself knew we as humans could not be perfect on our own. He knew our strife to attain perfection was going to leave us weary and hurt. That is why He sent His son to us so that in His Son, we might find the perfection we yearn for. Not from our own deeds, but just by receiving the name “Perfect” literally. As humans, we are nothing but frail beings, that's why we needed a Savior.

Looking at this another way. Despite our frailty and mistakes, God still sent His Son down to redeem us. Regardless of the many foolish mistakes we make. Regardless of how hard-hearted we are. He still came down for us. Imagine this, you have a friend who is so annoying and stubborn. He always pisses you off, but you are still willing to go the extra mile for him. That is some crazy love right, even from the human perspective. But God, a deity, higher than we humans, saw our entire existence and then realized the wrong way we were headed. He sent His only Son down just so we could be saved. Even when His Son came, see the way the human race treated Him. But He still died for us, regardless. That's the extent of love. Sacrifice. Sacrifice is the pinnacle of love and God proved His love to us, even though we were humans.

Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Even as we remain here on this earth, as humans, we should learn to accept ourselves, admit our mistakes, feel our emotions. We should allow ourselves to be Humans. The frail people needing each other and a Savior. We shouldn't deny our humanity in the name of Christianity or religion. Even our Savior was human. He felt pain, joy, anguish, everything. He just knew how to deal with it. Don't deny your humanity, you’ll just end up hurting yourself, and others.

Feel everything, but rely on God. Because in the end, We Are All Humans.

Well, this piece has a dedication. The person may never read it, but now I have accepted my humanity.

And please, don't twist this write-up to make it a license to do whatever “foolish” thing you want. I beg you. People are fond of that.

