Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

God’s Goodness

Dela Denoo


Hello, again guys. I know I am late with my blog post😔. But don’t worry😀, I am here now.

So this month, a lot of things happened. I saw God’s goodness in ways I never expected. I guess I was always looking for something grandiose. But even in the little things, God’s goodness can be seen. Psalm 33:5 He loves righteousness and judgment: the earth is full of the goodness of the LORD.

Yes, so what’s the main reason I am here today? I am here to tell you of the goodness of God.

Sometimes when I think about it, I am like “Whyyyyy??😭”, or “Howwwwww?😭”. Why is He so good to us? Then I remember that He loves us unconditionally.

1 John 4:19, KJV:We love him, because he first loved us.”

1 Corinthians 13:4a, NIV: “Love is patient, love is kind.”

1 Corinthians13:8a, NIV: “Love never fails.”

Nothing we have done can merit the love He has for us. He went to the extent of letting His only begotten Son die on the cross just so we could be saved.

If you still can’t picture the depth of His love for us, then Chandler Moore can help you picture it🙂. You don’t know Chandler Moore?? Anyway, that’s not the main focus here. But the lyrics in his song, “To You” with Maryanne J. George, he gives a vivid explanation of God’s love for us using the story of the prodigal son which can be found in Luke 15:11–32.

So now I will let Chandler Moore do the explanation with his lyrics.

[Spoken: Chandler Moore]

What I love about the story of the prodigal son is that when the son made-up, when the Bible said he came to his senses and he was ready to go back, first thing is that he was ready to go back as a slave though he was a son. He was ready to start from the bottom and do something that he was undervalued for. And when the father brought him back, he not just brought him back as a son but he rewarded him with a celebration as if he was there all along. The other thing is that the Bible says that as the son was going back home, that he was not the only one running and going. The Bible says that the father was not just sitting on a porch, waiting for him to come, and just looking at him afar off. The Bible says when the father saw him, that the father begins to run to him, too. And in the Jewish cultures, kings don’t run. Like, kings aren’t supposed to be running with their long dresses and stuff. But the father broke the rules of normality because his son was in need. And the father began to run, too. So that’s why we just say, we just get so excited when we say…

Anytime I listen to this song, my eyes get teary because I just can’t comprehend the depths of God’s love. And I also find myself smiling absurdly😂😅😅. His love is marvelous, its amazing. It is the best thing that you could ever experience.

The height of the love is when the Father also run to meet the son. Like your Father, a whole king, in his royal regalia, is running? Running to come an meet a disobedient son? Ey. Now that’s something weird. But that’s how God actually is. James 8:4 Come near to God and he will come near to you. The son made up his mind to go back to his Father and his Father too didn't just watch His son running home, He run to meet him, gave him clothes and organized a feast for him as if nothing had happened. As if the son hadn’t been disobedient. That’s how it actually is. Once you accept Christ, you’re a new creation, old things have passed away, all things have become new. The son was now new, everything forgotten.

If it were to be a normal earthly father, you would have got some insults, strokes or knocks on your head. But this is what makes God different, this is what makes Him the Good Good Father. Erhm, but that doesn’t mean if you “fool” He won’t spank you oh, ahn…remember he is a God of justice. And even if He won’t punish you, did grace abound so that sin too may abound?? Of course not. (Romans 6:1b Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?)

And when a Father has accepted you in this way, what shows He won’t care for your every need?

I am writing plenty but all I want to say is, GOD IS GOOD. He is just too good. And the greatest good He did was allowing His son to die for us just so we could also be Holy as He is. Our acceptance of this gift is where our lives begin to turn for the better.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Thank you for reading. God Bless You. See you in my next blog post😁❤❤.

