A Letter To Atheists

Dela Denoo
3 min readSep 12, 2020

Firstly, I would be beginning this letter from a scientific point of view.

Big Bang huh? Ermm, I would like to ask, what caused that “Big Bang”? Random particles and chemicals you will say. But how did those “random” particles and chemicals come to existence in the first place? Not so random after all..lol. I am still waiting for an answer dear Atheist.

Also, of all the possible results that could have come out from this “random” reaction, why did such a perfect earth emerge.

I am guessing you’d say “probability”. Well, you could be correct but once again, who set the parameters for there to be a possibility of probability. If you’re familiar with math, you would know that for every probability, there are parameters or “items” involved which were set there by someone or something, but still eventually someone. So back to my question, who set the parameters for that probability? When you answer that, let me know.

Have you also wondered what could have happened if your heart was rather in your stomach? Or if your eyes were on top of your head? Or your ears under your chin?

I honestly would have wondered how you would be surviving. The heart has been perfectly placed for reasons due to pressure and gravity to aid blood circulation. Your ears placed next to your cheeks for perfect hearing and communication with the brain. I could go on and on and on telling you all the different reasons why our body parts are at specific places.

All these should show you that there is a Master Design Engineer somewhere. Yes, for now, somewhere. I will tell you exactly where this Master Design Engineer is later on.

Imagine this. You go into a forest and see a beautiful house. Like one of them celebrity houses and some forest folk tell you that the house just appeared out of nowhere. Or the trees and sand combined in mysterious ways to produce the house. Would you believe them or you would think they were definitely high on something? I am sure you would choose the latter, per your experience in this world.

This is exactly my point. There is nothing that comes from nowhere. Everything comes from somewhere. And please don’t pull the improper comparison card here. This situation is very veryyyyy analogous to the big bang.

Oh and have you ever tried looking at the stars in the night sky? They look so beautiful and well arranged right? Well, don’t you think there is a Master Artist for those constellations of stars? A better Van Gogh.

This is like seeing some amazing fabric and saying it appeared from the thin air. Lol.

Yes, so where was I heading with this.

Yes yes, so now that I have appealed to your conscience….ahaaaaa. That reminds me. Is conscience also something random? Is morality random? It just appeared?

Another analogyyyy. Yes, You are probably reading this post on a mobile device or computer. Did Google know how to produce search results on its own or there is a computer programmer behind all the “thinking” wonders of Google?

Exactly. That is exactly how there is a Master Neurologist behind the workings of you brain ( Get it, Neurologist — Brain)

That was a digression. Now let’s go.

Now I hope your conscience is appealed to the fact that there is a Master Designer, Engineer, Neurologist, Artist — Master Creator — somewhere.

If your conscience has been appealed to, Congratulations. I am very very happy for you. Don’t feel bad. I was also atheist for some time, but I realized the Physics upon which my atheism was based was totally and I mean totally wrong. PS, I was in grade 9 by then.

Now that you believe there is “someone” behind all the amazing things we see in this universe, I will introduce you to who exactly is this Master Creator in my next post.

Thank you for reading!


And PS. I am not much of a grammatical guy, so pardon my errors, if any.

